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Frequently asked questions

Do you need some help with something or do you have questions about some features?

  • How much is this service and what are you paying for?

    We have 2 membership options available at Acadium.

    • Quarterly Membership for $997 USD

      This will include access to 1 apprentice that will help with your digital marketing at 10 hours per week, over a 3 month fully remote period. Total of 120 hours.

    • Annual Membership for $2,497 USD

      This will include access to 4 apprentices that will help with your digital marketing at 10 hours per week, over a 3 month fully remote period each. Total of 480 hours. This is our most flexible membership option and thus our most popular. You may start each apprenticeship whenever you wish. Even having the start dates overlap or have multiple apprentices start/work at the same time!

  • Where do these apprentices come from? What sort of education do they have?

    Our apprentices come from all around the world. A good portion of our pool is North American based (US & Canada) however, you are able to specifically request which geographic location you prefer when signing up. Acadium sources our talent from various platforms and locations such as Linkedin, academic institutions, online forms and social media. Our apprentices could be students still in school, recent graduates, or individuals who are looking for a career change. They all have a passion for marketing and are looking to seriously pursue a career in the field.

    We have a large pool of 400-1000 lots of different backgrounds and interests. They could be students in school or recent grads. They COULD BE people with an interest in marketing with no educational background. It all depends since we have such a large pool. However we can still find someone who can bring you value.

  • What if the apprentice's quality isn't up to par or they can't meet the 3-month commitment?

    If you are unsatisfied with your apprentice or something happens, you may request a new match at any time. Simply reach out to our customer service team who is available to you at all times. They can be reached at

  • What happens after I complete my 3 month apprenticeship? Can I hire them?

    One of the largest benefits of working with Acadium is that you may hire your apprentice after the completion of the 3 months. It can be full-time, part-time or even a contract position. At Acadium, we do not require any finders fees (which could be upwards of a few thousand dollars). This is a great way to source talent and even find yourself a future employee!

  • How much training do I need to provide?

    The apprentice is expected to do 10 hours per week of work for you and your business in exchange they will require 1-2 hours of mentorship and guidance. Similar to any new employee joining any new organisation, you will provide direction and tasks along with feedback and constructive criticism. Although our apprentices are not marketing professionals, they are eager to learn and can bring significant value to your business.

  • How does the matching process work?

    The onboarding and matching process consists of 3 simple steps.

    1. Begin with creating a Business profile on our website. This is outlining the main details of your business, in order for our apprentices to get to know you as well.
    2. Select and pay the membership option you would like to proceed with. (quarterly or annual).
    3. Fill out a "request for an apprentice" sheet that will specify the details of what marketing tasks/projects you are looking to get done, the skill sets you are looking for and also which geographical location your apprentice is from.

    After that, the matching team will take it from here and hand-select potential matches that fit your marketing needs.

Have any other questions?

Don’t hesitate to email us at

Get started with Acadium

Gain the work experience, mentorship, and support you need to start your career in digital marketing